E-Invoicing In Finland

Directive 2014/55/EU Of The European Parliament And Of The Council of 16 April 2014 on electronic invoicing in public procurement

Tax Authority
Finnish Tax Administration

Mandatory Status
- e-Invoice
- B2G Procurement
Mandatory - B2B Procurement
Voluntary - e-Filing

Reporting Model
National CIUS and Peppol BIS Billing 3.0


Not mandatory

6 years
Most Scandinavian countries have introduced electronic invoicing systems. Finland is one of the countries where its public entities have been accepting e-Invoices from businesses since 2010 on a voluntary basis and began mandating from 2019. The private Finnish companies can issue and send e-Invoices however, it should comply with the European standards otherwise it is rejected.
Also, there is no obligation for B2B transactions. The Finnish government supports three platforms that are used to send e-Invoices which are called e-Billing service Handi, Post Network Service, and Basware Supplier Portal.
Besides, all VAT registered businesses must file VAT returns in MyTax electronically.