E-Invoicing In Denmark

Tax Authority
The Danish Business Authority
Ministry of Industry, Business, and Financial Affairs

Mandatory Status
- e-Invoice
- B2G Procurement
Mandatory - B2B Procurement
Voluntary - e-Filing

Reporting Model
Peppol BIS Billing 3.0
OIOUBL format


Not mandatory

5 years
Implementation of electronic invoices has been obliged between businesses and public authorities (B2G) since 2005. e-Invoices are to be sent through the NemHandel platform. Denmark became Peppol authority in 2017 and integrated the Peppol network to the NemHandel platform which made safer, easier, and more effective processes between suppliers and public entities. Peppol-based e-catalogs and e-orders became mandatory for public authorities. B2B transactions are not required, only the buyer’s consent is required. Peppol network will be used also between private entities.
The new Danish Bookkeeping Act makes e-invoicing mandatory approved on 19 May 2022. The regulation covers businesses to exchange and archive invoices electronically. The implementation timeline is based on company turnover with implementation deadlines from 1 January 2024 until 1 January 2026. Accounting obligations cover all businesses and foreign businesses with branches in Denmark. All VAT-registered entities must file VAT returns via E-tax (TastSelv Erhverv) periodically.